Monday, February 7, 2011

New Year: What’s different in my life?

A little less than thirty days ago, you told your husband or wife, boyfriend or girlfriend, your family and friends that you were going to make a New Year resolution. By midnight on December 31, you committed to workout, find a new job, enrich your personal relationships, travel somewhere exotic ...or stop drinking or smoking, to name a few. Are you kidding yourself? Ask yourself …what’s different in my life?

Every year everyone begins their soul searching in December to discover one to two changes in time for the upcoming year. Many of us think about our relationships. If we are in a relationship, we want a better relationship or to be a better partner. If we are not in a relationship, then we hope, and sometimes pray that the ONE will enter our lives in the New Year. Some wish for the relationship that they are in will end. If a relationship was not your focus, maybe it was a better you. Did you commit to joining a church or a gym, or going to the gym more often? Did you decide that you would travel somewhere internationally? Did you commit to becoming a mentor to a youth?
All of these are great examples of New Year’s resolutions, but what are you actively doing to fulfill your new year’s commitment?

For some like Justin Gutzmer, 40, a New Year’s resolution is nothing more than desires, and when we fail to focus on the desire we’re experienced over the holiday, we fall short of fulfilling our resolution. Thus he no longer makes “New Year’s Resolutions”. Justin says he simply makes it a point to carry out whatever goals, long or short, come to mind. Kori Williams, 40, says her New Year’s resolution was to find an exercise regimen that she would commit to. She believes that most people make New Year’s resolutions with good intentions, but fail to keep them.

In eleven months, it will seem as though in a blink of any eye another year will have by-passed us. Let us all revisit our New Year resolutions or short-term goals and make them happen. Stop reading this article, get out your blackberry or I-phone and make an appointment with yourself to achieve your New Year resolution or short-term goals. There should not be another year where you settle on doing the same thing next year. Book your trip, join the gym, find a church home, get out of the house and meet new people. Do it today! Following thru will give you an added sense of self-worth and achievement.

SO let your actions today be the difference that you will see in your life for the rest of the year.

Dr. Rustin M. Lewis

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